May 31- June 2, 2012
UMBC, Baltimore MD
Sponsored by
Maryland Section of the American Chemical Society
Remsen Award Recipient
Dr. Daniel G. Nocera
Henry Dreyfus Professor of Energy and Professor of Chemistry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Symposia Topics Include
Chemistry of Renewable Energy
Food and Sensory Chemistry
Bioanalytical Chemistry
Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety
Mass Spectrometry and NMR of Biomolecules
Computational Biochemistry
Carbohydrate Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry
Workshops for Educators Include
The Chemistry Classroom for the 21st Century
Active Learning in the Classroom and the Laboratory
Companion Software for Freshman and Organic Texts
Environmental Chemistry for High School Teachers
Forensic Chemistry for High School Teachers
STEM for Elementary School Teachers
Other Great Programming Includes
Entrepreneurship and Small Chemical Businesses
A Workshop on MS Sample Prep hosted by Shimadzu
An Employment Workshop hosted by ACS
Some Great Events for Student Members, including a
Panel Discussion on Careers in Chemistry and a Poster Session on Student Member Group Activities
MARM 2012
Held at the
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
May 31 - June 2, 2012
“Chemistry on the Chesapeake”
Sponsored by the Maryland Section of the ACS
in collaboration with Participating MARM Sections
Participating MARM Sections
(Representing 23,000 Members)
Supporting ACS Divisions

What's new at this website
Message from the Organizers
The 43rd Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM 2012)
of the American Chemical Society
will be held from Thursday, May 31 to Saturday, June 2, 2012.
Hosted by the Maryland Section of the ACS, the meeting will take place
at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Many exciting and informative symposia and events are being planned.
For more information, please contact